Tech Tip Tuesday : Interactive Geography Fun for Your Kid with Special Needs
How Can You Get Your Child with Special Needs Excited About Moving Around the Globe?
Raising a Third Culture Kid can be thrilling, adventurous, and...frustrating. Sometimes kids aren't as excited about moving from one place to another every few years as you'd hoped they would be when you decided to live a globally-mobile lifestyle. With kids with specific learning, behavioral, and/or emotional needs, things can get even more complicated. Today, we're sharing a fantastic interactive app where your child with special needs can explore places, animals, and cultural aspects of countries around the globe - the Barefoot World Atlas App.
The Barefoot World Atlas App is a fantastic tool to use to prepare kids for a move, a big trip, or reflect on places they've been. The app has resources and information organized in a fun, understandable way for older kids.
We find it really helpful with elementary through high school kids with and without Special Needs. For kids with reading difficulties, they can click a button to have the app read them most information. There are lots of pictures and visuals to support their learning inside the app, as well.
Barefoot World Atlas puts the world at your children’s fingertips! With this incredible app, anyone can fly around the magical, interactive 3D globe and discover the rich wonders of our planet.
The Basic App costs $4.99 and has TONS of resources. There are also fantastic puzzles and art add-ons inside the app that you can buy.